Saturday, March 31, 2012

Did you notice blog rhymes with dog?

I have been a very good dog except I've not blogged in a while. A lot has happened since July of last year. First, the bad - Ma's Pops died suddenly on September 5th. He was 92 1/2 yrs old. Ma got real depressed but she's coming around. 

Pops and our neighbor Julie
 It was a bad year for people passing - this guy also died suddenly and unexpectedly. Ma and Pa went to his funeral.
The good old days with Martin

I go to LA sometimes - this is Venus, my girlfriend
He's XenoMax - the Welsh Springer that belongs to Margarita
The good news is that Ma loves her new job so I get to go to Pasadena with her on occasion. One day, she snuck me into her office on a weekend. We canines are not allowed on campus...hrrrrrumph!!
With Ma in her office - I got bored and tired, not to mention hungry.
I go out with Ma and Pa often
Me and Ma - the seals are no longer at Seal Rock Beach
I've experienced many changes in my short life. Now the seals don't seem to come back to Seal Rock anymore. It must be climate change.
Every Friday, I run at OB with my best buddy, Lucca
Life is short, even for you humans and shorter yet for us dogs. So, 'til my next misadventure, have fun and be safe,  live long and prosper!